Jokes - Part 4
Person 1: I got married because I was tired of cooking, cleaning home and washing clothes.
Person 2: Amazing, I got divorce for the same reason.
Person 1: So, you are distantly related to the family next door, are you?
Person 2: Yes, their dog is our dog's cousin brother.
Two Persons got tired using cell phones. For a change, they decided to use pigeons to send messages. And this scheme worked very fine.
One day First Person sends his pigeon. Second Person sees the pigeon is without any message. He picks his mobile and asks First Person
Second Person: The pigeon is without any message.
First Person: Hey Fool, that was a missed call.
The man approached a very beautiful woman in a large supermarket and asked "You know, I've lost my wife here in the supermarket. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?"
Woman: "Why?"
Man: "Because every time I talk to a a beautiful woman, my wife appears out of nowhere."
A Person applied for the post of a detective. In the interview he was asked a question:
Who killed Mahatma Gandhi?
Person : I will tell you tomorrow.
Person come home and tells his wife: I got the job and my first work is to investigate who killed Gandhi.