Jokes - Part 8

Sardarji proposes to a woman. She says yes if you bring me a pair of crocodile boots. He sets off to Africa and disappears. Finally a search is being made, they find him hunting crocodiles and watch him killing a huge one . He walks over the reptile, checksits legs and angrily exclaims “71st and *again* barefeet!”

Sardarji is buying a TV.“Do you have color TVs?”
“Give me a green one, please”

Sardar went for an interview, The question was when is your birthday?
Sardar: 19th january
Interviewer: which year?
Sardar: Nonsense..Every Year

Sardar: should I buy tickets to my children
Conductor: yes only if they are above 8
Sardar: Thank god I have only 6 children

Banta went to the emergency room with the tip of his index finger blown off.
“How did this happen?” the doctor asked.
“Well I was trying to commit suicide,” Banta replied.
The doctor asked, “Trying to commit suicide by shooting your finger?”
“No, silly! First I put the gun on my head and I thought my face would look horrible, then I put it in my mouth and I thought I just paid Rs. 1,000 to get my teeth straightened. So then I put the gun in my ear and I thought this is going to make a loud noise, so I put my finger in my other ear before I pulled the trigger.“